Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Past Week

Since I just started, I have some catching up to do. It's been a busy week! Instead of shoving it all into this post, I will just do a little at a time over the next few days.

This section is officially titled

The Flight
I won't bore anyone with the goings-on prior to arriving. Just know that it included a lot of melt downs, freak outs, and patience from my loved ones around me. I worried. Oh yes, I worried. Was I going to sell my car? (I did.) Are the cats going to be ok? (They were.) Is there any way that I am going to be able to pack everything in time? (Somehow it happened.) And the official morning of the move, my mom and I schlepped 5 huge suitcases and my 2 cats up to the airport and barely made our flight. We had 2 suitcases right at about 50 lbs and 2 more just below 50 lbs. That's a lot of lbs.

To anyone who is faced with the challenge of moving two cats across country, be comforted by this post. I read every blog, forum, article I could find on how to move your pets. I pictured terror. I pictured scratching, cats running around airports, yowling to ear piercing proportions. Alas, none of this. The cats just stayed put in our arms while we walked through the x-ray. Yes, you heard me. To take cats through the airport, you have to take them out of their carriers and walk through the x-ray with them in your arms. I was so stressed about this process that I literally was shaking as I was walking through the machine, which of course always helps the cat's stress level. We did give them a tiny bit of a tranquilizer provided by the vet (maybe I should have had my own). I wasn't sure the pills did anything until I realized that Kiki (my big fluffy, strong-willed girl) was kneading her paws in her carrier on the flight signifying contenment and relaxation. I looked at her and realized she was experiencing her own personal kitty version of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Whew! The cats have done beautifully since arriving. They don't seem too phased by their new home. I expected some anti-social behavior at least for a few days, but they are out and about and snuggling as usual. Kiki tends to get stuck trying to get out from under the bed and Xerox (aka Stupid, The Stupid, Chicken, etc) is neurotic as ever, but beyond that, there is nothing to report.

Kiki decided to find some new hang outs while we were moving...

I think they're comfortable...

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